Shanghai Smartee Denti-Technology Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Smartee Denti-Technology Co., Ltd.

Smartee Teen Case Gallery

Patient Basic Information and Examination

Facial Convexity- Mandibular retrusion


Patient: Male, 16 years old

Conditions: Anterior teeth protrusion, deep overbite, deep overjet, mandibular retrusion

Treatment Device: SGTB

Patient Basic Information and Examination

Facial Convexity- Mandibular retrusion


Patient: Male, 12 years old

Conditions: Anterior teeth protrusion, deep overbite, deep overjet, mandibular retrusion

Treatment Device: K1, SGTB

Patient Basic Information and Examination

Facial Convexity- Mandibular retrusion


Patient: Female, 12 years old

Conditions: Anterior teeth protrusion, deep overbite, deep overjet, mandibular retrusion

Treatment Device: S9, SGTB

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